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Mercè Martí, guest speaker at the online conference of Kreston BSG, Mexico: “Are you ready for the new reality?”

Our CEO, Mercè Martí, has participated as a special guest speaker at the online conference “Are you ready for the new reality?”, organized by our partner in Mexico, Kreston BSG.
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Interview with our partner Josep Mª Martí about the experience of Kreston Iberaudit during the state of alarm

The state of alarm caused by the COVID-19 crisis has fully affected multidisciplinary service companies that have new challenges to face the future.
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Mercè Martí shares the professional experience of Kreston Iberaudit about COVID-19 in an interview for Toulouse Business School in Barcelona

Our CEO, Mercè Martí, has participated in the audiovisual campaign of TBS-Toulouse Business School in Barcelona, in which different CEOs and financial directors have shared their experiences about COVID-19.
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Carlos Montero, new member of the ICJCE Training Commission

Carlos Montero, partner of Kreston Iberaudit, has been appointed a new member of the Training Commission of the The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Spain (ICJCE).
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Mercè Martí, Chairwoman and CEO at Kreston Iberaudit, awarded by ADE Vallès for her professional career

Mercè Martí, Chairwoman and CEO at Kreston Iberaudit, will receive the honorary award for her professional career by ADE Vallès, the Association of managers, entrepreneurs and professionals’ women, for her dedication and commitment as an economist and auditor.
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New post by Mercè Martí on the effects of COVID-19

Mercè Martí, Chairwoman and CEO at Kreston Iberaudit, analyses in her blog the new world scenario after a global confinement and how it has affected the auditing, consulting and tax sector.
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