Resolution of 25 March 2020 of the Secretary of State for Economy and Business Support, announcing the Council of Ministers Agreement of 24 March 2020 passing the first round of ICO guarantees for businesses and the self-employed to alleviate the economic effects of COVID-19.
Royal Decree-Law 10/2020 was passed on 29 March, regulating recoverable paid leave for workers who do not provide essential services, in order to reduce personal mobility in the fight against COVID-19.
Kreston Iberaudit has joined as a firm member company of the Catalonia Trade & Investment’s Partners Network – ACCIÓ, with the aim of continuing to offer services to foreign companies with potential investment projects in Catalonia.
Kreston Iberaudit, in response to its commitment to achieve equitable treatment among women and men in the professional environment, has joined the Decalogue of Equity of the Catalan Association of Chartered Accountants (CCJCC), which has also been approved by the Spanish Association of Chartered Accountants [...]
A delegation from the University of Calgary, Canada, has visited Kreston Iberaudit Barcelona office, where our Elena Ramírez Marín, responsible for the international area at Kreston Iberaudit and partner of the fiscal division in Barcelona’s office, has presented the conference “Main reasons to invest in [...]