Home / Partners / Sebastián Carbajo

Sebastián Carbajo

Partner of the Audit Area

Sebastián Carbajo

Sebastián Carbajo is an Audit Partner at the Kreston Iberaudit Granada office. With over 20 years of experience in the field of auditing and consulting, he holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Granada. Additionally, he has completed several master’s programs, including a Master’s in Audit from the ICJCE Audit School and the University of Alcalá, a Tax Master for Professionals from the University of Granada, a Master’s in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management from the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services, and Navigation of Granada, and a higher course in Corporate Compliance from the General Foundation University of Granada-Business and an Expert Course in SAP systems.


  • Specialist auditor in the justification of Structural Funds.
  • Specialist auditor in the justification of public aid from the National R&D&I Plan.
  • Specialist auditor in Foundations of the State Public Sector and the Autonomous Community of Andalusia.
  • Auditor and consultant for Municipalities and Consortia in conducting diagnoses of economic, financial, asset, and budgetary situations.
  • Specialist auditor in evaluating compliance with legality in operations, actions, and management procedures.
  • Judicial Expert and Insolvency Administrator.

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