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Jorge Lomas Pallarés

Partner of the Audit Area

Jorge Lomas Pallarés

Currently Manager and Partner in the Palencia office of IBERAUDIT Kreston, Senior Auditor and Consultant, including feasibility plans, corporate restructuring processes, as well as Manager as Exclusive Insurance Agent and SEPBLAC Audit Manager (Executive Service of the Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering Capital and Monetary Infractions), as well as financial adviser and Civil, Commercial and Bankruptcy Mediator, granted by the Ministry of Justice, I am currently part of the Illustrious College of Economists of Valladolid (ECOVA), member of the Commission of Young Economists of the College of Valladolid , Palencia and Zamora.


  • Account Audit professional jobs
  • Reports related to the Prevention of Money Laundering
  • Grant Certification
  • Civil, Commercial and Bankruptcy Mediator
  • ECOEMBES audit
  • Bank intermediation

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